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Corsace Documentation

Предложение/Отправка Кода

Prerequisite Reading

Ensure Fork Sync

Before submitting a pull request, make sure that your fork is fully synced with the latest commit in the Corsace repository in order to avoid merge conflicts.
If you already committed changes A B C D E F G H I J to the code in your fork before updating, you can use the following git options:

git rebase [CORSACE REPOSITORY]/master

git cherry-pick A B C F # To commit only specific commits you created since
# OR
git cherry-pick A^..J # Commit all of the commands you created since

git push -f 
git push --force

[CORSACE REPOSITORY] is the name of the remote you created. You would most likely have called it upstream if you use the example GitHub provides.

This should now have you up to date to the latest commit on the Corsace repository alongside the commits you wanted.

Отправка Новых/Измененных Документов

Make sure to run npm run lint (as well as npm run lintfix for anything automatically fixable), and fix the issues that appear if any. Create a Pull Request whenever ready. Currently, there is no specifications needed for PR/commit naming.
Afterwards, ping VINXIS (corsace.io or vinxis on discord) or ThePooN (thepoon on discord) in the #dev channel in the Corsace Discord Server, and it should typically be checked within a day.