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Server + CronRunner - Creating Cron Type

This explains how to write functionality for creating cron jobs.
Typically you will want to write a cron job when needing to run something after an extended period of time (say, an hour+ later) from now.
This is better than creating a setTimeout function in terms of reliability, and also for performance and organization.
This also solves the issue of persistence, as the cron will resume its timer whenever the instance begins again.

Prerequisite Reading

Directory Structure

The primary code related to creating cron jobs and the CronRunner is in Server/cron/cronFunctions.
While the file entry-point is at Server/cron-runner.ts, that file is nore relevant to creating a new type of cron job.
The Server/cron/index.ts file is also not relevant for creating cron jobs, as it simply holds the class defintion we use for Cron.

Interfaces/cron exists to contain the general typing and interfaces created for CronRunner as well.

CronJob Anatomy

CronJob Type

Before writing the CronJob’s functionality, go to Interfaces/cron, and append your CronJob type’s name [CRON TYPE] to the CronJobType like so:

export enum CronJobType {
    [CRON TYPE],

CronJob Functionality

Typically, there are only 2 functions required for a given CronJob:

  • initialize - The function called initially to get the list of CronJobs of that type that exist in the database (if any/needed)
  • execute - The function called when the cron’s time is up.

You would primarily write the logic for the CronJob in a new file within Server/cron/cronFunctions called whatever you want it to.

Afterwards, the general structure of the file would be set up like so:

import { CronJobData, CronJobType } from "../../../Interfaces/cron";
async function initialize (): Promise<CronJobData[]> {
    ... // Write logic to obtain dates from DB here
    // The example below assumes a Date[] array called dateArray exists at the end
    // Everything below (including the comments) are within every cron job file

    // For each date, create a cron job with the end as the date.
    let cronJobs: CronJobData[] = => ({
        type: CronJobType[CRON TYPE],

    // If any dates are in the past, remove them and add a job to start instantly.
    if (cronJobs.some(j => < {
        cronJobs = cronJobs.filter(j => >;
            type: CronJobType.[CRON TYPE],
            date: new Date( + 10 * 1000), // 10 second delay to avoid Date in past error

    return cronJobs;

async function execute (job: CronJobData) {

export default {

Installing CronJob

In Server/cron/cronFunctions/index.ts, simply append to the default export with the new enum type created in Interfaces/cron as its key, and the new code/file you have written in this same cronFunctions folder like so:

import [CRON TYPE]Execute from "./[CRON TYPE]"
import { CronJobType } from "../../../Interfaces/cron";

export default {
    [CronJobType.[CRON TYPE]]: [CRON TYPE]Execute,

Afterwards, the initialize functionality should run whenever you start the CronRunner instance, and execute should run whenever a cron of your new type times out.